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Cenerentola Boutique di Antonella Trivellone. Capi selezionati con esperienza e gusto.
Cener­en­to­la Bou­tique di Antonel­la Trivellone
Based on 9 reviews
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Marisa Proietti Checchi
Marisa Proi­et­ti Chec­chi
18:04 11 Dec 20
Cener­en­to­la Bou­tique is Antonella’s crea­ture. Enter and find taste, imag­i­na­tion and … art. Yes, because Antonel­la is also an artist, just look at her knitwear, the inspi­ra­tion with which she cre­ates them. Not to men­tion when you enter the shop win­dows, the dry­ing racks full of won­ders all cho­sen by her in the var­i­ous sam­ples. In short, I rec­om­mend tak­ing a trip to Cin­derel­la. Cer­tain­ly then we will returnleg­gi di più
Osvaldo Sambucini
Osval­do Sam­buci­ni
07:34 04 Dec 20
High qual­i­ty bou­tique, the own­er and staff of an excel­lent edu­ca­tion and friendliness 😊
Tiziana Caponecchia
Tiziana Caponec­chia
07:38 25 Oct 20
A bou­tique with many sought-after brands, qual­i­ty, pro­fes­sion­al­ism and unique style … a shop that nev­er goes out of fash­ionleg­gi di più
sandra crudelini
san­dra crudeli­ni
19:53 24 Jul 20
Teresa Maddalena
Tere­sa Mad­dale­na
16:22 05 Jul 20
Soleado Cuomo
Solea­do Cuo­mo
18:56 09 Sep 19
Gabriella Bottiglioni
Gabriel­la Bot­tiglioni
15:46 09 Jun 17
Fan­tas­tic cloth­ing store. High qual­i­ty col­lec­tions, which the own­er skill­ful­ly mix­es, always rec­om­mend­ing the right out­fit for you.leg­gi di più
Altre recensioni 
Cenerentola Boutique - Di Antonella trivellone - Via Derna,22-24 Roma - Italia - privacy policy
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